Source download: |
J2SDK 1.4.0
or higher is required. |
Compile your usual way. I used Ant
1.5, although I can't see why previous versions wouldn't work.
(Correct me if
I'm wrong, please.) Once you have your binaries, continue with the
installation as is instructed in the Binaries section... |
Binary download: |
JRE 1.4.0
or higher is required. |
Fortunately or otherwise, using this gui will require
a user to be setup with sudo.
The user will need to be configured to use the following executables:
pptp, route, and killall. To edit the sudoers file, type 'visudo'.
Enter the following lines (make certain the paths are correct): |
Cmnd_Alias PPTP=/usr/sbin/pptp,/sbin/route,/usr/bin/killall |
Running: |
Type: "java -jar PPTP_GUI.jar" (provided you're running
it from the jarfile) |
I've created this on a RedHat system, so the default
paths for external executables point to a RedHat's setup. If you need
to change them, run the program & click the Settings button. |